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What is The Legacy Podcast?
The Legacy Podcast (TLP) was birthed out of my passion to live a life that will leave an abundant legacy and to help others do the same. I chose to use the primary medium of podcast because I am an audio learning and can relate to those who are. Further, in the busied world in which we live, one can listen to an audio while doing something else which means that a podcast is a more flexible form of media than print or video. The subject of building a legacy is very broad. This allows for me to bring together my varied interests and experiences in support of my primary passion, legacy building. If you have a deep desire to make your life count for something I think you will like this show.
Who is behind TLP?
If I had to describe myself (Steve Donahue) in one word descriptions they would be; Christian, husband, father, pastor, entrepreneur, libertarian, farmer. As you might imagine with such a description I am interested in a great deal of activities and subjects. Episode 1: is a good introduction to how all my experiences and interests work together around building a legacy and helping others do the same. You can download previous episodes under archives on the right margin or search for topics in top right corner search box. For more information about Steve Donahue visit Steve Donahue
What are the 5 Principles of a Legacy Builder?
1. Acquire a Biblical World View
Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. A Biblical worldview is essential to experiencing this abundant life. Unless we experience this abundant life ourselves we cannot pass it on to others and our faith legacy will be negligible.
2. Build Strong Family Units
The Family is the building block of society and along with the Church makes up the foundation of an abundant society. As the family goes, so goes the society and culture. Therefore it is essential if we are going to leave a legacy of abundance that the family be at the core.
3. Become Financially Independent
Like it or not in the world in which we live money is power. We must understand how it works and make plans accordingly or we will not be able to build a legacy of abundance.
4. Protect Life, Liberty, and Property
These are, as our founders penned, “certain unalianable rights” which if not protected a legacy of abundance is only a dream.
5. Steward Resources
The creation is to be cared for and not abused by us or we will have nothing good to pass on. Sustainable farming and Permaculture practices are the first most basic step that people can take in this direction.