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Episode-83- Intellectual Capital

In this show we discuss the 6th of 8 forms of capital first discussed by Ethan C. Roland of Appleseed Permaculture
which is intellectual capital.  Here is an outline of what is discussed.

What is Intellectual Capital: The knowledge that you have on any particular subject specifically and all things combined generally.

Some benefits of intellectual capital

Cannot be taken away

A tornado can wipe out your material capital
An economic depression can wipe out financial capital
A drought or plague can wipe our your living capital
But unless you have an accident and get amnesia or acquire alzheimers at your old age you will not loose you intellectual capital

Can be acquired readily today by use of the internet

There is so much information available today through the internet.
There are whole courses on subjects
There classics online in audio and eBook form
YouTube how to..

Can bring leverage to all the other assets

For example, the knowledge on how to increase your rabbit yield will help your living capital
The knowledge of economic cycles can help increase your financial capital.

Some things to consider

  • Intellectual capital must be applied to be most valuable
  • A PhD with our experience and application is simply a piece of paper.
  • Investing in intellectual capital is one of the few forms of capital that is concentrated on one own self development which results in a exponential benefit.
    • For example, if you invest some financial capital to acquire some living capital like some fruit trees that is a trade of one thing for another of personal property.
    • Where as if you invest some financial capital into some books that you read and apply what is learned in those books you and that to which you apply the knowledge benefits.

How to acquire more intellectual capital

The Traditional route

  • school
  • trade school
  • college
  • university
  • take advantage of these opportunities to learn something. Do not consider what you are doing as meaningless, consider it as building your intellectual captial.

Non Traditional route

    • Internet
    • E-books
    • Audios
    • Online courses
      • For example Liberty classroom
    • ie. podcasts
    • ie. audio books
    • ie. online articles

What to do?

  • Consider where you have areas of expertise
  • Consider where you would want to learn more
  • Evaluate where and how you intend to acquire the needed intellectual capital.

Resources for Today's Show

Episode-82- Reconciliation

In this show you will hear a recoding of the message I preached to the congregation of Mt. Tabor Baptist Church from Genesis 45-46:7 on The Blessings of Reconciliation.  The outline is as follows:

  1. 1-4 Joseph reveals his true identity
  2. 5-8 Joseph testifies to the providence of God
  3. 9-24 Preparations to move Jacob to Egypt
  4. 25-46:7 Jacob goes to Egypt

The principles that we can learn from the passage are:

  • Reconciliation requires dealing with your Emotions.   .
  • Reconciliation requires moving beyond your Past            .
  • Reconciliation requires accepting God’s providential Plan

Resources for today's show



Episode-81- 6 Types of Government

When most people think of types of government they think about Democracy, Communism, Fascism, or some of the other forms.  This show is not about those or the levels of government between Federal, State, and Local.  Those all technically are one type of government Civil Government.  In today's show I briefly discuss Civil Government but also and more importantly the other five types of government and how Civil Governments today are attempting to usurp the authority of the other types.  Join me as we look at Self government, Family government, Church government, Work government, Community or Social government, and finally Civil government.

Resources for Today's Show

Episode-80- Living Capital

In this show you will hear about one of the eight forms of capital namely, Living Capital.  These were originally described in Ethan C. Roland of Appleseed Permaculture.  Living capital is resources and assets that are alive in some way.  Obviously, most people are familiar with some forms of living capital such as livestock but there are others forms you may not consider.  Join in learning about some different kinds of living capital, some things to think about living capital, how to acquire more living capital, and what can you to today in light of living capital.

Resources for Today's Show


Episode-79- Tested Character

In this show you will hear a message from Genesis 42-44 where Joseph's brothers go to Egypt to buy grain and how Joseph tests the character in the process.  The Outline is as follows


1)The first set of tests 42

    1. The ten sons of Jacob go to Egypt to buy grain 1-5
    2. Joseph tests them by accusing them of being spies 6-17
    3. He tests them again by keeping Simeon in prison while the rest get sent home 18-24
    4. He tests them further by returning their silver in their bags 25-28
    5. Jacob is told of the events but refuses to send Benjamin 29-38

2)The second set of tests 43-44

  1. The dilemma of need for more grain but not wanting to risk Benjamin 1-7
  2. Benjamin is entrusted to Judah 8-14
  3. The journey to Egypt 15-25
  4. Joseph dines with his brothers 26-34
  5. Joseph prepares another test 44:1-5
  6. The brothers particularly Benjamin are trapped 6-13
  7. The brothers are humbled 14-17
  8. Judah intercedes in behalf of Benjamin 18-34


  • Proven Character requires Testing               .
  • Proven Character requires taking personal Responsibility                            .
  • Proven Character admits personal Sins                        .
  • Proven Character expresses selfless Love.

Resources for Today's Show

Episode-78- Financial Capital

In this show  I talk about the third of eight forms of capital identified by Ethan C. Roland of Appleseed Permaculture which is Financial Capital.  Join me as I talk about:

  • What is Financial Capital?
  • What are some examples Financial Capital?
  • Why is it important to have Financial Capital?
  • How do we acquire more Financial Capital?
  • What steps should we take?

Resources for Today's Show:

Episode-77- Prison to Palace

Today's show is a recording of the message I preached this last Sunday at Mt. Tabor Baptist Church from Genesis 41. The outline of the message is as follows:

  1. Pharaoh’s two dreams which no one can interpret 1-8
  2. The Cupbearer finally remembers Joseph 9-13
  3. Joseph is called and told the dreams 14-24
  4. Joseph interprets the dreams 25-32
  5. Joseph gives advice based on the dreams 33-36
  6. Pharaoh likes the advice and promotes Joseph 37-45
  7. Joseph prospers and makes Egypt prosper 44-57

The major principles from the text are these:

  1. We must not loose Faith even though it seems like God is not at work.
  2. God is Superior to all the philosophies, scientists, and religions of the world.
  3. We must take Advantage of opportunities that are given us to increase our influence because only the strong can help the weak.
  4. It is Wise to plan ahead.
  5. He who is Faithful over the little things will be given more responsibility.
  6. No matter how successful we become we must not Forget our God.

Resources for Today's Show:

Episode-76-Material Capital

In this show  I talk about the second of eight forms of capital identified by Ethan C. Roland of Appleseed Permaculture which is Material Capital.  Join me as I talk about:

  • What is Material Capital?
  • What are some examples Material Capital?
  • Why is it important to have Material Capital?
  • How do we acquire more Material Capital?
  • What steps should we take?

Resources for Today's Show:

Episode-75-Social Capital

In this show  I talk about the first of eight forms of capital identified by Ethan C. Roland of Appleseed Permaculture which is Social Capital.  Join me as I talk about:

  • What is Social Capital?
  • What are some examples of people with lots of Social Capital?
  • Why is it important to have Social Capital?
  • How do we acquire more positive Social Capital?
  • What should we do?

Resources for Today's Show:

My Thoughts on College Education Exactly

Episode-74- Nine Things We Need to Bring Home


The typical American family buys a huge house but spends little time in it.  This is because we have gradually delegated away and outsourced many of the activities that are suppose to be done in the home.  In this show I discuss nine of these activities that need to be brought home.  Join me as a discuss the following:

  • Work
  • Education
  • Cooking
  • Food Production
  • Hospitality
  • Church
  • Outreach
  • Exercise
  • Care for the Aged

Resources for today's show:

Episode-73- Joseph is Hated

In this show you will hear a recording of the message I preached to the people of Mt. Tabor Baptist Church from Genesis 37 regarding the hatred toward Joseph by his brothers.  The outline is as follows:

  1. The Causes for Hatred 1-11
  2. The Acts of Hatred 12-28
  3. The Consequences of Hatred 29-36


  1. We must not repay Evil with Evil                             .
  2. The Sins of the Father are often passed on to the children.
  3. The Natural Conclusion of Envy and Hatred is Murder.
  4. Pride leads to eventual Fall.

Resources for today's show

Episode-72- Legacy of War or Peace

In this episode I am talk about something that is a passionate issue for me but sadly is overlooked by many in our society and the church and that is the issue of war and its devastation. Since September 11, 2001 we have been at war against terror which means for the last decade we have been at war.  This can take an enormous toll on this nation and every other nation with which we have dealings.  I have included a video from as part of this blog and podcast to help us understand the enormity of this issue.  The question I want us to think about in this post is what kind of legacy are we building as a nation and as a people with all this war?

Resources for this show

Episode-71- Jacob Wrestles with God

In this show you will hear the message I preached to Mt. Tabor Baptist Church from Genesis 32:22-32.  This was a real turning point in Jacob's life.  The outline is as follows:


  1. Retreat to Solitude 22-24
  2. Wrestling with God 24-26
  3. Requesting a Blessing 26-29
  4. At the Mercy of God 30-32


  1. Our most intimate times with God are when we are Alone with Him
  2. Self Reliance will only get you so far in life
  3. Striving with God is an Exercise in futility.
  4. God only Reveals  enough of Himself as needed.

Resources for Today's Show:

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Episode-70- The Nitrogen Cycle

In this show I discuss some of the aspects of the Nitrogen Cycle that are important for us to understand so that we can take advantage of it by working with it and not against it as a source of God's abundance for multiple generations.  The Nitrogen Cycle is illustrated in the diagram below.

Join me as I answer the following questions:

  • What is the nitrogen cycle?
  • What are the four elements of the nitrogen cycle?
  • What is so important about nitrogen and the nitrogen cycle?
  • How can we make the most of this cycle?
  • What are the three things that available nitrogen in the soil can do?
  • What can weeds tell you about the nitrogen cycle on your property?

Resources for today's show

Episode-69- Isaac’s Family Feud

In this show you will hear a recording of the message I preached today to Mt. Tabor Baptist Church from Genesis 27 and 28 on the deceptive way in which Jacob received the blessing from Isaac.  It is a passage that has all kinds of wrong action and wrong motivations by the people involved.  The outline of the passage is as follows:

  • Isaac’s Request 27:1-5
  • Rebekah’s Plan 6-17
  • Jacob’s Deception 18-29
  • Esau’s Misfortune 30-40
  • The Results 27:41-28:5

The implications or principles that can be drawn from the passage are the following

  • God freely Chose us before we choose Him.
  • Bad Examples in this passage are not to be followed.
  • Favoritism can Destroy a family.
  • God works even through the Sinfulness of man

Resources for today's show


Episode-68- Principles for Order in the Home

In this episode you will hear a short discussion about sixteen principles that we try to follow in our home to keep order.  Many of these principles are direct applications from the ten commands and others are general biblical principles.  Some of them are simply practical.  My goal is that you take these and adapt them to your home to help order your household.  The sixteen principles discussed are:

  1. You will seek the Glory God above all else.
  2. You will be treated to the level of your displayed maturity
  3. You will reap what we sow.
  4. You will be responsible for your own and others property that you use.
  5. You will speak the truth to one another in love.
  6. You will complete your work before you play.
  7. You will get more freedom as you show more responsibility.
  8. You will obey your parents; quickly, completely, and joyfully
  9. You will treat others kindly according to the golden rule.
  10. You will limit your actions according to the environment.
  11.  You will be generous with your time and possessions
  12.  You will be courageous in your attempts
  13.  You will engage in constructive activities when you have idle time on your hands
  14.   You will use the computer for production, instruction, or communication (except for the one hour of electronic entertainment per day.)
  15.  You will not expect equal shares or fairness
  16.  You will disciple yourself to follow these principles or be disciplined by someone else.

Resources for today's show

Episode-67- Tested Faith

In this episode you will hear a recording of the message I preached at Mt. Tabor Baptist Church this past Lord's Day.  The text for the message is Genesis 22 where Abraham is asked by God to go to the land of Moriah and offer Isaac the son of promise as an offering.  Some of the implications of the text are:

  1. We must  Obey God even if we don’t fully understand.
  2. God will not have us do Contrary to His character.
  3. God will Provide for what He asks us to do.
  4. Tested Faith bring about Blessing

The pattern of the events are repeated in a more redemptive way 2400 years later when the Father offered His beloved Son as a Substitutionary atonement for His people.

Resources for Today's show:

Episode-66- Seven Reasons to Have Family Integrated Worship

On any given Sunday morning in churches across America the family is segregated into different worship services.  Typically, if the children are in the "adult worship service" at all it is only for the first part where there is a lot of singing and then they are dismissed to "children's church".  In some churches the children are not in the "adult worship service" at all.  I believe that this is the exact opposite of what needs to be done if we are going to leave a spiritual legacy.  So in this show I briefly discuss seven reason why the children should be with the adults during worship.  If you want to raise children who love the Lord and Love to worship God you don't want to miss this episode.

Resources for this show

Episode-65- Discussion about Farmageddon with my Son

In this show I am pleased to have my son Graham with me as we discuss the movie Farmageddon.  You will want to watch this movie if you are at all interested in farming and or freedom.  The show is about the government authorities effort to execute the law on various small farmers.  Join TLP for today's show as Graham and I talk about what we learned, what was most disturbing about the movie and what is the real problem and solution that the movie addresses.

Resources for today's show:

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Steve @ thelegacypodcast dot com