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026- Helps for Meditating on Scripture

In this show I talk about some helpful techniques to meditating on Scripture.  Meditating on them is not a mystic nothingness as eastern religions might teach.  Rather, meditating on the Scriptures is thinking it over as you focus on it in detail.  This is important for us who want to leave a spiritual legacy because it enables us to better understand the Word of God for ourselves and then pass it on to generations to following.  Join me today as we discuss asking questions of the text using, who, what, where, when, why, how, and wherefore questions.  We also talk about 6 things to look for in meditating on the text:

  1. Things that are repeated
  2. Things that are emphasized
  3. Things that are compared
  4. Things that are contrasted
  5. Patterns
  6. Things that are true to life

For additional information and helpful techniques read the book, Living By the Book.

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Steve @ thelegacypodcast dot com