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Episode-81- 6 Types of Government

When most people think of types of government they think about Democracy, Communism, Fascism, or some of the other forms.  This show is not about those or the levels of government between Federal, State, and Local.  Those all technically are one type of government Civil Government.  In today's show I briefly discuss Civil Government but also and more importantly the other five types of government and how Civil Governments today are attempting to usurp the authority of the other types.  Join me as we look at Self government, Family government, Church government, Work government, Community or Social government, and finally Civil government.

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1 comment to Episode-81- 6 Types of Government

  • admin

    I just heard last night that NY just passed the law to restrict super sized soft drinks. Shouldn’t the people of NY be allowed to govern themselves on this issue? Yet one more area where the Civil Government is trying to usurp authority of others.

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