Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis
euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.
Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan.
Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem,
suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.
In this show I talk about some helpful techniques to meditating on Scripture. Meditating on them is not a mystic nothingness as eastern religions might teach. Rather, meditating on the Scriptures is thinking it over as you focus on it in detail. This is important for us who want to leave a spiritual legacy because it enables us to better understand the Word of God for ourselves and then pass it on to generations to following. Join me today as we discuss asking questions of the text using, who, what, where, when, why, how, and wherefore questions. We also talk about 6 things to look for in meditating on the text:
Things that are repeated
Things that are emphasized
Things that are compared
Things that are contrasted
Things that are true to life
For additional information and helpful techniques read the book, Living By the Book.
We did our first chicken processing of the season today and thought I would use the opportunity to share with TLP comunity the steps we take to process our chickens.
The first step is taking them from their live pen to the killing station.
After the killing station they go to the scalder.
From the scalder they go to the feather plucker
Next they go to the feet, head, and pin feather removal station followed by the Evisceration table.
Notice the watering system overhead so we don't have to keep dragging hose over ground onto our clean surface. Notice also the wood under the table legs to slope the water where we want it.
After this they go to the cool tank, QC, and chill tanks.
Join me in this episode as we look at John 18-19 and the trials of Jesus. There is so much drama and dilemmas in the trials of Jesus that are instructive for us. The following are basic devisions of the passage:
His Arrest 18:1-11
His First Trial before Annas and Ciaphas 18:12-23
His Second Trial before Annas and Ciaphas 18:24-27
In this episode I talk about building good soil. First I talk about why building good soil is important for those of us who want to build a legacy. Then I discuss 7 ways to build soil:
Herbivores on pasture
No tilling
Cover Crop
Rotate crops and Polyculture
Don't spray
Be sure to check out Toby Hemenway's book for his pages on building soil.
In this episode I talk about the elements and aspects of having family devotions. Join in to learn of the four elements and seven helps that I cover. It should inspire you to take the next step in family devotions.
For Walk thru the Bible Ministries where you can attend a seminar that uses hand motions to learn the major events and people of the Bible see Walk Thru
In this episode I go back to the 10 Step Weath plan and discuss step five, becoming debt free. This is a shorter show but incredibly important. Listen as I discuss the reasons why as well as the means to get out of debt.
This episode is the message I delivered this past Sunday at the church in which I am a pastor from John 17. It should help you build a Biblical Worldview which is essential to a legacy of abundance. In this episode you will hear a discussion on the 6 petitions of Jesus as recorded in John 17.
In this episode I discuss why I chose a tree as a symbol for The Legacy Podcast. Among the many things that we can learn from a tree there are six I discuss here that relate to building a legacy.
A legacy like a tree can last for generations.
A legacy like a tree takes time and investment that are not often seen in the first generation.
A legacy like a tree has many branches from the one trunk.
A legacy like a tree has an influence or benefits that are amazing
A legacy like a tree must be free to grow
A legacy like a tree has great symbolism
Go Plant your Legacy Today!
Be sure to register as a Member of TLP
Episode 18: Five Reasons to Start the Practice of Family Devotions[ 25:38 ]Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (231)
In this episode I discuss probably the single most important activity you can do as a family to build a multi-generational legacy of abundance, the family devotions. In a future episode I will talk about the elements of a family devotions but in this one I hope to inspire those who aren't currently doing family devotions to start today and to encourage those who do practice this to keep it up.
Listen to hear a discussion of these five reasons:
It helps train the next generation in the Scriptures
It helps train the next generation for corporate worship
It helps you grow in your relationship with Jesus
It gives you much needed time together as a family
In this episode I discuss four major trends that have effected family unity. They are trends that we all face but must work to control or they will fracture and destroy our families.
Listen as we discuss:
The Industrial Revolution and the work place trend
Implementation of age segregated instruction in all areas of life trend
In this podcast you will hear a message I delivered to Mt. Tabor Baptist Church this last Sunday from John 16:5-33. It is on the change that would take place as a result of the death, resurrection, and ascent of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit. The outline is as follows:
Introduction 5-7
Change in Conviction 8-11
Change in Revelation 12-19
Change in Mood 20-22
Change in Access 23-24
Change in Understanding 25-30
Conclusion 31-33
Be sure to register as a member and become a part of TLP community.
I want to start providing reviews of Legacy building resources for you and here is the first one.
This is a review of the book Abundaculture by Jack Dody. It has as a subtitle "Pathways to God's Abundance". The value of this resources can not be minimized for anyone interested in self sufficiency, especially from a Christian perspective. The details of the book cover such topics as solar energy, means of producing good food, methods of harvesting clean water, safe, sanitary, and inexpensive housing, recycling waste including gray water and compost toilets. Here are some of the strengths of the book:
Because the books was written to help missionaries and undeveloped countries the methods and materials used are inexpensive, practical, and simply designed.
There are periodic lists called "Steps on the Pathway to Abundance" at each section of the book that are great outlines often related to God's provision and design for abundance.
The principles are based on God's provision in His Creation
Much of the book is written from first hand experience by the author. In other words, these are not just hopeful methods but tried and true methods.
Although the whole system is integrated together the various ideas can also be used individually which means that the reader can take steps in their own time and in accordance with their own needs and not have to do everything at once. It is project intensive book.
The only thing I wish is that I would have read this book several years ago before I built my homestead. A special thanks to Jack Dody of Christian Homestead Association for allowing me to offer this book for free download under the documents section. Better than downloading it here however is to check out Jack's site and download it there. He offers personalized advise on building homesteads you may be interested in as well.
This episode is a message I delivered this last Sunday at Mt. Tabor Baptist Church. The text is John 15:17-16:4. It is divided into three parts. Much of the message is related to persecuted Christians
In this episode we look at step 1 of the 10 Step Wealth Building plan by briefly covering 32 ways of spending less money. Here are the 32 ways we discussed.
Without the resurrection of Jesus from the dead our faith would be without hope. Without the resurrection of Jesus from the dead we could not trust Him because He did not do as he said. We would have little certainty of our own future. We would questions His deity. Death would have been victorious over life.
The message of the empty tomb is one that is worth looking at closely. Context:
1 first day of the week that would be Sunday. This by the way is why the church gathers on Sunday to worship, it is resurrection day.
began to dawn this was early in the morning, again why we gather on Easter for a Sunrise service.
Mary..Mary and we know that there were other women with them.
2 great earthquake seismic activity was common when God was doing a great work. So here, the resurrection so to speak shook the earth!
rolled back the stone no human could do so on their own. Angels have extraordinary strength.
3-4 The event and appearance of the angel made the guards become extremely terrified. became as dead men
Had we been the guards we probably would have responded the same way
5 ways in which the Resurrection is significant
1) It was a powerful event 5
He is arisen. Three short words packed with power. He is Risen. Incredible, unbelievable if it were not the work of God. It is powerful because it defied all odds. It was a miraculous event. People don’t just rise from the dead. But Jesus did!
We think the machinery of doctors that can aid in bypass surgeries and all are powerful equipment but there is nothing like the power of God that can bring back the dead to life
If God can raise the dead He has the power to help you with what ever your need. You can depend on Him. If He has the power to raise the dead it also means He is worthy of worship!
2) It was a planned event 6
As He said God fulfills His promises. Time and again He told His disciples that He was going to die but then three days later He was going to rise from the dead.The whole thing was planned. They should not have been in wonder, it was foretold and now had come to pass exactly as He had said. Oh the depths of the ways of God, they are sometimes too marvelous to understand until they are passed.
God had planned the resurrection more thoroughly as we plan to eat breakfast following this service. It is possible that we might not get breakfast, tragedy could strike, but there was absolute certainty that the resurrection was going to happen because He said that it would.
We can Trust God’s Word. When He says something is going to be done we can bank our life on it. The promises of God are sure. Let me encourage you to hold onto the promises of God. He fulfills what He promises. I have had a great many plans so far in my life that never really came to pass. Not so with God. There are no plans of God that do not come to pass.
3) It was a proved event 6
Come, See the place where the Lord Lay. The empty tomb is one of the surest proofs of the reality of the resurrection. I would stop believing the Bible if the bones of Jesus were to be found. But I have good news brothers and sisters, the bones of Jesus are not going to be found.
Just as a judge asks for proof to back up accusations so too the world is looking for proof of the Church’s claim that Jesus arose from the dead. And there is proof. Nowhere in Jerusalem is there a tomb with the bones of Jesus in it. Why? Because He is not there, He arose.
And the bones weren’t just stolen. Does anyone really think that such a fiasco of stolen bones of Jesus would be able to last the test of time? Certainly not, the only solution is to believe that the place where He lay, he lays no longer!
We should not be ashamed of the Gospel. Instead we should be shouting it out to everyone we can because it is true. Our faith is built not on fable but fact. We have nothing to be ashamed of in believing the resurrection.
4) It was a proclamatory event 7
“go quickly and tell” Notice the angel did not tell the women, “He is not here and despite how amazing this is I want you to keep it to yourself. They probably wouldn’t have anyway. How can anyone who truly believes this keep silent about it? The resurrection is not something about which we should keep quiet. The resurrection is something that is worth proclaiming.
It is Good News, better than the news of a new baby, an engagement, a promotion, or any such thing we could possibly think of. It is worth proclaiming.
People tell others a lot of things that don’t amount to much, we talk about the weather, the news of the day, whose doing what, whose going to be kicked off of American Idol, a bunch of trivial meaningless stuff. But there is one thing that is always worth proclaiming and that is the Good News of the resurrection. Let us be proclaimers of this good news.
5) It was a penetrating event 8
with fear and great joy... ran to bring The news of the resurrection if understood is so penetrating to the heart that it demands a response: fear, joy, running, and bringing word. This response is the response of someone transformed. People in the first century Israel would not run, yet here they run. Fear and Joy are usually not emotions in the same event by the same person and yet this is such a penetrating event they are here. This is transforming. No other event in history has been so transforming. Nothing in history has so penetrated the heart of man. Prior to the resurrection the disciples were timid, confused, doubting, questioning, etc. But after the resurrection, they became bold, crusader for Christ. What was the difference? It was the resurrection.
When remarkable things happen they are so impacting that they demand a response. So too is the message of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
You can be transformed when you meditate on the message of the resurrection because it will penetrate your heart and create in you fear, joy, and a desire to tell others. Let the truth of the resurrection penetrate your heart until it transforms your life. If you can hear this message and it doesn’t penetrate your heart and move you to respond, there is something wrong with you!!
The resurrection was not just an ordinary event. It was a powerful, planned, proved, proclamatory, and penetrating event
It is the reason we are here, it is the reason for our celebration today, and it is the reason for our hope for tomorrow, it is the reason for life!!