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007- Three Threats to Liberty

In this episode I cover what I believe are three critical threats to our liberty.

1. The wrong mindset.  The mindset of dependence on government, employers, parents, etc. is pervasive and problematic.  So is the mindset of victomization and the entitlement mindset. The mindset of fear has also caused us to loose our personal liberties.  We should only be dependent on God and take personal responsibility.

2. Fake money.  The money that we use today is like Monopoly money.  Real money is Silver and Gold.  We are penelized from using real money today.  Our fake money has lost 97% of its purchasing power since the Federal Reserve started in 1913.  We must prevent counterfitting at the government level.

3. Majority rule. No government will preserve our liberties, we must continually fight for them.  Majority rule is the imposition of force from some to others.  Christians force others through the government to their detriment.

To purchase gold and silver consider Europacific precious metals

For research on the Federal Reserve read End the Fed by Ron Paul (you can find a link in the recommended reading page.)

006- Stewardship Farming

In this episode I talk about:

  • What is stewardship farming?
  • What are the principles of stewardship farming?
  1. Farming abundance is provided by God and reflected in His character
  2. Farming abundance requires Tending with Anticipation
  3. Farming abundance is found in working with God's Created laws, patterns, and cycles.
  4. Farming abundance and generosity are correlated.
  • Start building abundance through farming today.

See the recommended reading page to order The Deliberate Aggrarian or other similar books

Jack Dody's resource Abundaculture is a great resource for more information.  You can download it from the document page or visit The Christian Homesteading.  You can also go the The Christian Homesteading website from the left column under Farming Links.

005- Building the B.E.S.T. Marriage for a Family Legacy

This show is about building a strong marriage.  Most of the material is taken from the book

Love Life for Every Married Couple  by Ed Wheat, MD. and Gloria Okes Perkins

Essential to having the BEST marriage



Do not curse or wish bad to your spouse but only good

Be empathetic and understanding

Live in harmony

Do not think you are better than your spouse

Do not repay evil with evil

Be careful to do what your spouse considers to be right

As far as is possible live peacefully with your spouse

Never take revenge

Consistently do kind things for each other even if it is only one sided

Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.


9 ways to edify

1. Make a commitment to never again be critical of partner

2. Study your partner to see where he/she needs to be built up

3. Think everyday of positive qualities you admire in your mate

4. Consistently, genuinely specifically, and generously verbalize praise and appreciation for your partner

5. Recognize your partners accomplishments and give proper respect for them.

6. Husbands always keep your attention on your wife never another woman

7. Wives always show your husband that he is the most important person your life, value his opinions and judgements.

8. Respond to each other physically and facially.  Smile and charm each other.

9. Be courteous and well mannered to each other.


four areas in which you can grow in oneness as you share together

1. Common ground.

2. Separate ground

3 New ground one

4. New ground for both



1. communicate with each other what touches feel good when.  Don’t touch like you want to be touched but like your partner wants to be

2. touch without it leading to sex

3. practice the 10 second kiss

4. maintain a positive attitude and willingness to initiate as well as receive

5. slow down

6. appreciate the differences between your bodies

8. touch skin to skin as much as possible.

9. spend some time everyday cuddling


Hope that helps you take some steps to creating the best marriage you can.  A strong marriage is a legacy to pass on to your kids.

What will you do today to build your legacy?

004- John 15:1-17

This is a message I delivered this past Sunday from John 15 on the Fruit of Love.

3 divisions to the 15:1-17

1.  The Source of Love. 1-8 Abide in Jesus

2. The Manifestation of Love. 9-11 Abide in His Love 9

3. The Example of Love. 12-17 Love one Another

What kind of legacy are you building with your relationship to one another?  Are you building a legacy of love and faithfulness to the Lord or are you building a legacy of discord, friction, and fractions?

My friends let us abide in Christ, His love, and then express that love to one another.

003- 10 Step Financial Legacy Plan

Here is a basic ten step financial plan to building wealth.

Basic Financial Plan Pyramid

Referenced Links

Dave Ramsey

Samaritan Ministries  For an alternative to Health Insurance

Heroes Financial School 
For information on Debt elimination program and other financial solutions.

Will Prepare a Case for the best place to get a Will, Power of Attorney, and Advanced medical directives done.

002- Family Farming as a Means of Building a Legacy

In this episode I discuss three reasons why a family farm can be great for building a legacy.

  • A family farm provides a great learning experience for future generations
  • A family farm provides a great healthy experience for future generations
  • A family farm provides a great asset to pass on to future generations

What kind of legacy will you leave?

001- Introduction

Purpose: Help you build a Muti-generational Legacy of Abundance"

Referenced links:

The Survival Podcast

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Vision Forum

John Locke

Campain for Liberty

Mises Institute

Joel Salatin

Sepp Holzer

Contact The Legacy Podcast

Steve @ thelegacypodcast dot com