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Legacy Partners signup

Becoming a premium member of The Legacy Podcast (Legacy Partners Program) means three things.  First, you are expressing your desire to be a legacy builder.  Second, it allows you to support the show. Third, it allows you to access the Premium Members only Page(s).  Currently, the Premium Members only Page(s) contains:

  • A program to help you eliminate debt fast.
  • A special grow chart that is full of information about when to plant, how much to plant, space needed to plant, etc. of all the common vegetables.  I created this over the years of gardening.
  • A 10% discount to Lee's Manufacturing Company  They provide unique, time-saving garden and kitchen related products.  Established in 1939, they are a family owned business and look forward to providing your family with corn cutters, pea shellers and nut crackers. The 10% discount code should be entered at checkout.
  • A list of hundreds of linked books and audio/visuals by learning level that can make Home Education free!
  • The two devotional books below that can be purchased on Amazon
  • Support the show at less than 25 cents a show.

You get all this for the only $12.00 per year:






Contact The Legacy Podcast

Steve @ thelegacypodcast dot com