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Devaluing the Dollar

I saw this come through one of my feeds and had to post it. It shows the biggest threat we have economically, the devaluing of our dollar through Federal Reserve Policy.

043- The National Debt and A Legacy of Indebtedness, Servitude, and Poverty

In this show I talk about the National Debt and the legacy of indebtedness, servitude, and poverty that it is leaving. I answer three questions: What is the extent of the problem? What caused the problem? and What are some solutions?

Nehemiah 5 discusses a similar economic problem

Resources for today’s show:

Mises Institute

National […]

007- Three Threats to Liberty

In this episode I cover what I believe are three critical threats to our liberty.

1. The wrong mindset. The mindset of dependence on government, employers, parents, etc. is pervasive and problematic. So is the mindset of victomization and the entitlement mindset. The mindset of fear has also caused us to loose our personal liberties. […]

Contact The Legacy Podcast

Steve @ thelegacypodcast dot com